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Elaxer Social Feed

Elaxer’s Social Feed: Stay Updated with Personalized Content

Elaxer News Feed

Social media has become an essential part of our lives, connecting us with our loved ones and the world around us. However, the overwhelming amount of content on social media platforms can often make it difficult for users to find relevant and engaging content. That’s where Elaxer’s unique Social Feed comes in, offering users a more personalized and location-based approach to content sharing.

Elaxer’s Social Feed prioritizes content based on the user’s connections and interests, with updates from friends and family appearing first, followed by content related to user interests and local locations. With this approach, Elaxer ensures that users never miss updates from their loved ones and only see content that is relevant to their interests and locations. Unlike other social media platforms where updates from friends and family can get lost between likes, groups, and unrelated content, Elaxer’s Social Feed guarantees that your social feed will always stay clean and related to you.

Here are the key features of Elaxer Social Feed:

Friends and Family Updates: Elaxer shows every update from your friends and family as the top preference, so your feed will always keep you updated on their lives. Unlike other platforms like Facebook, where updates from friends and family can get lost between your likes, groups, and unrelated content you are interested in, on Elaxer, your loved ones’ updates will never get lost, and you will always see them first.

Location-Based Social Feed: One of the unique features of Elaxer’s Social Feed is the option to see updates from specific locations. Users can choose to view updates from the block-wise locations they are interested in, allowing them to stay informed about what’s happening in their surroundings. This feature can be particularly useful for people who want to stay up-to-date with news and events in their area or want to find new local businesses and services.

User Interest-Based Social Feed: Elaxer’s Social Feed focuses on user interest and not just hashtags. Unlike other social media platforms that rely on hashtags to categorize content, Elaxer’s Social Feed is based on pre-populated interests that users can choose from. This means that users will not see irrelevant content on their feed that is not related to their interests. Moreover, Elaxer’s AI-based system detects related interests from user-generated content and creates a scope of interest that authors can select to avoid overusing interests.

How is Elaxer’s Interest-Based Social Feed different from using hashtags?

  1. In Elaxer’s feed, users will not see irrelevant content that is not related to their interests. This is achieved through an AI-based system that detects related interests from a pre-populated list of interests. Authors can then select relevant interests to tag their posts and avoid overusing interests. This ensures that users only see content that is relevant to their interests. However, it is important to note that while hashtags can be inaccurate or misleading, they can still be useful in some cases, such as when used appropriately.
  2. When creating a post on Elaxer, the system detects related interests from a pre-populated list of interests, and authors can select the relevant interests from the list to tag their post. This helps to maintain the authenticity of content and prevent the platform from being manipulated. However, it is important to note that while this feature can help prevent manipulation, it is not foolproof and cannot guarantee that all content is genuine.
  3. Elaxer cuts down the visibility of posts if the content and selected interest do not match, which helps to ensure that users do not see irrelevant content. This is a useful feature, but it is important to note that it cannot catch all cases of irrelevant content. Additionally, while hashtags can be misused, they can still be a useful tool when used appropriately.
  4. On Elaxer, authors are encouraged to choose the most relevant topic and type of content for their posts. This helps to curate a well-organized content library that is easy for users to navigate. For example, if a user searches for a hashtag like #foodie, they will only see related content and accounts that mostly post food-related content. However, it is important to note that this feature can also have limitations, as it may not capture all relevant content. Additionally, while this feature can help businesses or individuals stand out, it cannot guarantee success.
Elaxer Social Feed

Elaxer’s Social Feed offers a new approach to personalized content that prioritizes user interests, location, and connections. By focusing on what matters most to users, Elaxer ensures that they always see relevant and engaging content on their feed. With Elaxer, social networking can be a more meaningful and enjoyable experience, connecting people with what they care about most.

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